JES Projects
Evaluation Study: Canadian and Chinese Approaches to Prosecution and Public Legal Education
This project contained the following two programs:
Canadian and Chinese Approaches to Prosecution
This program was organized by JES as the lead agency on the Canadian side in cooperation with Ms. Hai-ying Zhou, Section Chief of the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office (GDFAO) and the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province (GDPP). In this project JES delivered a three-day seminar in China on Canadian-Chinese approaches to prosecution and the delegation visited Chinese courts and justice institutions to enhance cross-fertilization of prosecution services and exchange on national justice system practices
Canadian and Chinese Approaches to Public Legal Education
JES organized a delegation of public legal education experts to travel to China and meet with officials from the Government of China to discuss how public legal education is being developed in the country and how it can be used to increase citizen awareness of justice reform. Delegation members meet with Government officials in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. During this project JES developed and delivered a seminar on the role of Public Legal Education in Canada and used site visits to exchange ideas on this theme in Guangdong province, China.
- Seminar on Public Legal Education delivered to over 120 Chinese justice system officials
- Seminar on Canadian Chinese approaches to prosecution delivered to 80 Chinese justice officials
- Delegation visited Chinese courts to exchange on Canadian-Chinese justice knowledge, resulting in proposed solutions for developing and maintaining effective prosecution services